Summaries of bills of interest affecting Technical Colleges.
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The Wisconsin Technical College District Board Association serves to:
The Association is a forum for trustees of locally-governed, community-based colleges to come together from around the state to learn, share, promote, and create together. We are a private, non-profit organization comprised of the 144 district board members of Wisconsin's 16 technical college districts. Every district board member is automatically an Association member.
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The Association office serves as a liaison with the Wisconsin legislature, U.S. Congress, state and federal agencies, college presidents, WTCS State Board and staff, public employee labor organizations, and many other groups. The Association office also supports member activities by coordinating membership conferences, award programs, and communications about the Association.
From being an effective board member to promoting successful colleges that are responsive to Wisconsinís educational needs, the District Boards Association is an enjoyable and rewarding way to develop your knowledge and skills as a district board member.